Hanging chair model
This model was made out of one plate of triplex. The prompt was to bend, so I started figuring out the qualities of different materials and I discovered the possibilities of the laser cutter. It is possible to make very exact and detailed cutouts in wood in order to bend it exactly where you want it to bend.
After some experimenting and trying out different cuts, I came out with this final one, which formed a lazy arm chair made out of a single plate.
The plate is cut in different scales and different areas to bend the seat, backrest and armrests. However, it needs something to hold shape or it will just be a flat plate with cuts in it. Therefore I built the transparent frame and hung the plate in it using red wire for highlights. The wire and the surroundings are holding the piece in place and are therefore crucial to the design. I think it is an interesting concept that the area around a piece of furniture determines the shape of it. That makes it dependent on the surroundings and cannot simply be placed anywhere.